
Welcome to Burnaby Seventh Day Adventist Fellowship, in Burnaby, BC.


Burnaby Welcomes our New Pastor – Aaron Sikhosana


In person services have resumed.

You can now attend if you so wish.

Please put on masks.

 Our services are also being  live streamed.

Sabbath mornings 10am – 12:30pm 


Online via Zoom platform

  • Bible Study -Mon. 7:30pm- 9pm

  • Pray Meeting -Tues.7:30pm – 8:30pm. 

  • Vespers – Fri. 8pm-9pm

Please call  778-8871844 or 604349129 for links & access code.


Tithe & Offerings ONLINE GIVING



Psalms 23:4

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff they comfort me.   Glory to God.


Thanks for viewing our cyber page.  I hope you will find the information helpful & meaningful. 

We are a very loving Christian community and would love to have you visit & join our Church family.   We gather every Saturday morning at 10:am, to study God’s Word, share His love & goodness, sing praises to Him, lift our burdens in prayer and hear His precious words spoken to us for our encouragement and spiritual growth.  We look forward to a time of fellowship.

After the church service, our service begins to share the good news.

  [For More about Saturday Sabbath, check our Bible Study page.]

Teaching on the Bible Sabbath


Jesus is the Answer

We believe that Jesus is Indeed the Answer for the world, for homes, Individuals, for families, for single mom’s & dad’s, son’s & daughters.  He is our great Problem solver, our Magnificent Saviour & Lord.  

He is the answer to our agonies, He is grace for our gloom, He is a blessing for our burdens, He is a cure for our calamities, He is deliverance for our burdens.

We are all special and extremely valuable, precious in his sight.  Don’t give up, there’s hope for you.  We are loved, appreciated and accepted in Jesus.  Jesus also makes the difference in our lives and relationships to one another.

Our Mission at Burnaby Fellowship is to Share Christ and to Serve Others.

 To learn more about what we believe you can visit our About Us page. 

May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.


Join Us This Saturday 
Service times:
Sabbath School: 10:00 am [Bible Study]
Worship Service: 11:00 am 


Teaching on the Bible Sabbath